Age Action has responded to today’s publication by the HSE of its Review of Elder Abuse Services for 2014. The HSE revealed that in 2014 the service received the largest number of referrals of abuse cases since it was established.
Almost 50% of bank officials have dealt with cases of suspected elder financial abuse according to findings published by Age Action and Ulster Bank to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
Age Action has marked the second anniversary of the publication of the National Positive Ageing Strategy by highlighting the Government’s failure to develop an implementation plan to develop the policies and services needed by older people.
Age Action would vehemently oppose any move to pass additional nursing home costs on to vulnerable older people or to put a charge on them after their death for any community-based services they need.
The scale of the challenge facing older people in delayed discharge hospital beds who are trying to either go home, move into a nursing home or receive other rehabilitation or respite service, is highlighted in a report published today.
Age Action has expressed concern at planned cuts by Bus Eireann to a number of its Expressway routes, and the impact these changes would have on older people who use the services.
Age Action has welcomed today’s clarification by the Minister for Older People that she is not seeking any increased contribution from older people towards the cost of their nursing home beds under the Fair Deal scheme. However, Age Action remains concerned about the funding of the scheme and the impact this is having on vulnerable older people awaiting a nursing home bed.