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Age Action: Government has no plan for positive ageing

Published 24/04/2015


Age Action has marked the second anniversary of the publication of the National Positive Ageing Strategy by highlighting the Government’s failure to develop an implementation plan to develop the policies and services needed by older people.

Justin Moran, Head of Advocacy and Communications at Age Action Ireland, said: “The number of older people in Ireland is rising. This poses challenges in how we provide services and enable older people to live the lives they choose.

“But these are not impossible challenges. They can be met. Growing older in Ireland can be a positive experience instead of something to be feared but the Government has no plan to make this a reality.”

The National Positive Ageing Strategy was published in 2013 after six years of discussion and outlines Ireland’s vision for ageing and older people. It sets out a blueprint for how policies and services could be designed to protect the rights of older people.

Justin Moran continued: “The strategy sets out a number of key goals, including a welcome commitment to enable older people to stay in their own homes and communities as long as possible.

“But there is no detail on how this will be accomplished or when. There are no targets. No one is accountable.”

In January, Ministers Leo Varadkar and Kathleen Lynch announced that developing an implementation plan was a priority for 2015 but there have been no signs of progress since then.

Justin Moran concluded: “We would urge the Government to push forward with a detailed, thorough implementation plan for the National Positive Ageing Strategy. The work needed to prepare for all of us who will grow old in Ireland has to start now.”

For more information contact Justin Moran on 087 968 2449