Our Vision
For a society that enables all older people to participate and to live full, independent lives.

Our Mission
Our mission: Age Action aims to achieve fundamental change in the lives of all older people by empowering them to live full lives as actively engaged citizens and to secure their rights to comprehensive high-quality services according to their changing needs.
Everything we do is based on a recognition of the diversity of identity and situation among older people and a concern for equality for all older people. In addressing ageing, our work includes a concern to influence perspectives on and responses to ageing.
Our work is driven by an organisation that is professional in its operations and lives out its values of dignity, participation, diversity, social justice, and professionalism.
We will mobilise and empower older people to advocate on behalf of themselves, their families and their communities as a key element of our advocacy work. As part of this work we will also challenge attitudes towards ageing and older people.
We will continue to promote the adoption of a life course approach which recognises ageing as a lifelong process. We will particularly focus on highlighting the needs of the most disadvantaged of older people.
This work will be informed by best international practice and will raise awareness of the needs of older people in developing countries, promoting global policies to protect and support older people.
Our services and programmes will support older people and their families to live full and independent lives and we will endeavour to ensure these services and supports are models of good practice.
We will work with partners in the business and community sectors to support the development and expansion of these services.
Our Values
Age Action supports and advocates for equality and human rights for older people. Age Action is a values-led organisation. Our core values of: Dignity, Participation, Diversity, Social Justice, and Professionalism, are central to driving our work to promote equality for and fulfil the human rights of older people.
The Age Action Values Statement sets out and defines our core values. It enables us to consistently and coherently embed these values in our work priorities and processes, and in the practice and behaviour of our staff and volunteers.