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Tax Incentives for Donations

Tax Benefit for Age Action

Tax relief is available on donations of €250 or more in any one tax year to eligible charities from both individual and corporate donors. For individuals, the relief is a blended rate of 31% and for corporate entities it is the marginal rate, normally 12.5%.

Individual Donors (PAYE Taxpayers)

You can help Age Action receive further donations through the tax system:

  • If you donate €250 or more (in a single tax year)
  • You subscribe to planned monthly donations of €21 or more (in a single tax year)
  • Send your name and address and we will send you a form to sign which allows us to claim the tax back. Alternatively download the CHY4 form by clicking here and send it to us with your donation.

Corporate Donors (Tax Benefit for You)

Companies who donate to Age Action can also avail of tax relief on their donation.

How It Works

  • After making a donation, Age Action will send a receipt with your thank you letter.
  • The company can claim a deduction for the donation as if it were a trading expense.
  • The company pays corporation tax at 12.5% so their corporation tax bill is reduced by €250×12.5%=€31.

Further Information

Please contact Age Action if you are intending to make a donation through planned monthly giving or amounts of €250 or over, it will mean your donation goes further and provide additional funding for our services. It will also ensure that we can thank you in a timely fashion and send updates on how donations like yours are making a difference.

Thank you.

Note: Links to external websites are included on this page. Age Action is not responsible for the contents of external websites.