Hands Off Our Travel Passes
Age Action launched its Hands Off Our Travel Passes campaign on June 25, 2014, and ended the campaign on July 14, 2014.
The campaign was run amid concerns that a major review of the travel pass scheme, which had been on-going since 2012, was due to report. Its terms of reference may have resulted in negative changes to this important support for older people.
The decision to wind down the campaign was taken following the publication on July 11 of the Government's statement of priorities for 2014-16. It included the commitment by the Government to the "full retention" of the travel pass scheme.
For more details of the campaign read on below.

The travel passes which older people are entitled to in the Republic of Ireland are a highly valued and important support. They enable older people to live with dignity and independence. We vigorously oppose plans to negatively alter the scheme.
The Government is currently reviewing the travel pass scheme and a decision is expected in the near future. It is considering one of three changes:
- To introduce an annual charge for the travel pass
- To limit the times at which it can be used
- To restrict the forms of transport on which it can be used
We have surveyed 500 of our members across Ireland who have told us how important their travel passes are for carrying out everyday tasks such as getting their shopping, collecting their pensions, attending medical appointments, visiting family and friends, social activities.
Significantly, without their travel passes they said they would not be able to attend medical/health appointments (57%), shop (55%), carry out personal journeys (eg to the bank or post office, 43%) or visit family or friends (61%).
How you can help?
This campaign aims to rally political support to protect the travel pass scheme. We need your help to get the support of our 166 TDs. We are asking every TD, Senator and councillor to confirm their support to protect the travel pass scheme from any negative changes. They can confirm their support in two ways:
Email handsoff@ageaction.ie , stating their name and constituency;
Each week we will provide an updated list of who is supporting the campaign.
You can also spread the word about the campaign by downloading, printing and distributing the campaign poster.
You can also follow and support this campaign on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.
We need YOUR support to protect the travel pass for older people. Thanks!
For further queries please email handsoff@ageaction.ie