Age Action works in partnership with HelpAge International (NGO) to implement the Irish Aid funded ‘AFFORD’ programme for the period 2017-2021.
AFFORD stands for Accountability and Fulfilment for Older People to Raise their Dignity and is being carried out in Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania.
The programme aims to increase the access of older men and women in these countries to appropriate, inclusive and effective social protection systems.
The AFFORD programme is funded with support from Irish Aid.
Age Demands Action

Age Demands Action (ADA) is a HelpAge International global campaign which works to bring older people together to campaign on issues that directly affect them, to claim their rights and fight age discrimination. Age Action supports and participates in ADA.
Internationally, ADA is calling for a new UN Convention on the Rights of Older People. An international convention, as a legally binding instrument, would promote and protect older people’s rights in Ireland and across the world. Join the campaign and sign the ADA petition for a UN convention on the rights of older people by clicking here.
Every year there are three important dates when older campaigners across the world raise awareness of different issues such as age discrimination, elder abuse or access to healthcare, meet and lobby their governments.
- ADA on Health, 7 April, World Health Day
- ADA for Rights, 15 June, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
- ADA Global, 1 October, UN International Day of Older Persons
For more information visit: