Age Action, Ireland’s leading advocacy organisation for older people, welcomed today’s publication of TILDA research highlighting the contribution older people make in Irish society.
Justin Moran, Head of Advocacy and Communications at Age Action, said: “The TILDA research confirms the important role older people are playing in Ireland.
“Right across the country it’s often older people who keep communities together, who are active in local residents associations, raise money for charities or take care of their grandchildren to enable their own grown children to go to work or pursue an education.
“We need to move away from seeing older people as frail or passive and celebrate the contribution they are making to their families and their communities.”
Health findings
The organisation did express some concern over results highlighting increased hospitalisation and obesity rates among older people.
Justin Moran added: “Growing old in Ireland should be a positive experience, where the dignity and independence of older people is protected.
“The Department of Health and the HSE must do more to support older people and a first step in this would be to redouble their efforts to fully implement the National Positive Ageing Strategy.”