The Age Action Care and Repair Programme is delivered by Age Action staff and volunteers in Dublin, Cork and Galway. In order to make the service available to older people in as many locations as possible we work with local community and voluntary groups all over Ireland who deliver the service locally with our support.
How we help our community partners

We train our community partners to run the Care and Repair programme in their regions with the support of Age Action staff. The community group becomes a partner of Age Action and we work together to provide a high quality service to older people using the agreed standards and quality control of the Care and Repair programme nationally.

Administration and marketing
Age Action also helps the partner organisation with items such as branding, publicity, documentation, detailed procedures, Garda vetting, an effective and safe volunteer recruitment process and volunteer training.

Our community partners have access to Age Action’s centralised expertise. They can contact Age Action staff any time with queries about specific situations.