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New CSO pension figures worrying

Published 30/05/2016


Age Action has described figures published by the CSO this afternoon that indicate pension coverage among workers has fallen to 47 per cent as ‘deeply worrying’. The organisation has called for a renewed emphasis from the Government on protecting the State Pension.

Justin Moran, Head of Advocacy and Communications at Age Action, said: “The fall in pension coverage revealed by today’s CSO figures is deeply worrying.

“It’s particularly concerning to see that coverage among workers aged between 20 and 24 is at just 14 per cent and that the CSO’s figures show that two in five workers say they simply cannot afford a private pension.

“Today’s report shows the State Pension system will be even more important in the years to come as workers increasingly come to rely on it.

“Ensuring a fair, sustainable, State Pension, one that enables older people to live with dignity and independence, must be a priority for the new Government.”