Age Action has criticised ageist restrictions that bar anyone over the age of 70 from applying to be a census enumerator.

Justin Moran, Head of Advocacy and Communications at Age Action, said: “We’ve received a number of calls today from members of the public, including experienced census enumerators who worked on the 2011 census, who have been told they are unable to apply for jobs with this year’s census.”
The CSO’s position is that the Public Service Pension Act 2012 bars anyone over the age of 70 from joining the public service pension scheme and so refuses to accept applications from older workers.
Justin Moran continued: “These are 10-week contracts. No one is going to be on a public service pension when the census is complete.
“Pension contributions docked from the pay of census workers are returned to them when their contract is ends.
“We would strongly urge the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the CSO to try to find a solution that treats older applicants like anyone else.
“If the Government is serious about eliminating age discrimination, valuing the experience of all workers and promoting positive ageing, it should be ensuring that roles like these are open to older people.”