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Inform Your Vote - What do the manifestos say about Ageing Better?

Published 03/02/2020


Ageing Better Campaign -Putting Older People at the Heart of the Next Government: Priorities for Election 2020 What do the Manifestos Tell Us?

Manifesto Tracker

Age Action has reviewed the manifestos published by 31 January of the political parties who had sittings TDs in the last Government, for policy positions most directly relevant to older people. While the summary is not exhaustive, we hope it helps to inform your vote but we are not promoting one political party over another; how you vote is for you to decide.

The last Government has failed to adequately plan for our changing population. As a result many older people are in precarious and vulnerable situations, with groups living on an inadequate income and without access to the healthcare, housing or supports that they need.

As the population demographic in Ireland is changing, the next government has both the opportunity and responsibility to create a society where everyone in Ireland has the potential to age well.

During Election 2020, Age Action and Active Retirement Ireland are calling on the next Government to plan sufficiently for an ageing population to ensure that people remain active, engaged, and valued in their communities for as long as feasible, with choice and control over their lives, regardless of their age.