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Retired Workers Must Have a Voice in Decisions Affecting Pensions

Published 29/06/2021


(Tuesday 29 June 2021) Age Action supports the campaign of the Retired Semi-State Staff Associations, on behalf of retired workers, to strengthen their rights in relation to representation and participation in issues concerning their occupational pension schemes.

Age Action calls for cross-government support for the Industrial Relations (provisions in respect of pension entitlements of retired workers) Bill 2021, coming before the Dáil on June 30, which aims to give retired workers a voice and access to the Workplace Relations Commission in situations where their pension scheme is being changed.

People who are employed or self-employed have access to institutions such as trade unions, professional associations, chambers of commerce and the WRC which they can use to raise issues that affect them. However, upon retirement, there is a lack of developed structures to support people to claim their rights, including the right to participation in public affairs.

Age discrimination has been recognised in the Equal Status Acts since 2000 and in the Employment Equality Acts since 1998. Yet there is a lack of infrastructure to ensure that the rights of older people with respect to their age are respected, protected and fulfilled. The campaign of the retired workers to achieve representation and access to the WRC will not only benefit people who are retired now but future generations of retired workers.