Tuesday May 25th 2021 is AFRICA DAY and at 10.30am Age Action will be hosting a zoom webinar to celebrate and highlight the work of the AFFORD II programme,
and shine a spotlight on the Arts, Culture and Heritage of Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania.

The AFFORD II programme addresses issues for older people such as;
Income insecurity, lack of pensions and social protection support, lack of access to age-appropriate health services, age discrimination and lack of consideration of older people in policies.
Age Action works to increase awareness in Ireland of the needs of older people in developing countries, and increase public understanding of and engagement with issues related to global ageing.
This programme is carried out in collaboration with our partners HelpAge International (INGO) and is funded by Irish Aid, the Irish Government’s overseas development programme.
We will have input from each of the countries involved in the programme, and will have some special guests join us.
Time: May 25, 2021 10:30 AM Dublin
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 4088 2672
Passcode: 793949
Hope to see you there!