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Connect, Inform and Support – Age Action’s COVID-19 Response

Published 26/03/2020


Age Action has launched Connect, Inform and Support – Age Action’s COVID-19 Response.

The organisation has reconfigured supports and services to ensure they stay connected to our members, partners and those who use their programmes.

Two main supports are outlined below and accessible by calling 0818911109 or you can find out more here

Call Safe - 11,000 ‘check-in’ calls being proactively made to Age Action’s older people (members, U3A focal points, people previously or currently linked in through the Care & Repair/Getting Started programmes).

Information Service – the online support through has been extended to 8am-8pm 7 days a week.

Home Safe - providing additional supports to older people, enabling them to transition quickly out of hospital into their own homes, ensuring that their home is safe while also supporting our hospitals to respond to the Covid-19 health crisis. Age Action also providing an emergency response for urgent repairs and other supports for older people in the community in order to ensure people can remain safely in their own home.


The Advocacy and Communications team continues to push Government to ease the impact of the crisis on older people and those most impacted by Covid-19. Recent engagements with Government have included;

  • Easing of restrictions on renewing driving licenses and accessing prescriptions;
  • The availability of appropriate personal protective clothing for those working in homecare settings;
  • Representations to Minister Regina Doherty on provision of a once-off payment to those solely reliant on the state pension and people living with a disability.

Age Action also launched a survey so they can better understand the lived experience of older people during the COVID-19 pandemic which will ultimately strengthen advocacy and services delivery.