OFTEC Ireland, Age Action and Helen McEntee TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Older People, officially launched a free guide, offering key advice to help older people using oil home heating to stay safe and warm throughout the winter period.
The Keeping Warm this Winter guide, which is being distributed throughout Ireland, was created by OFTEC, which represents the domestic oil heating and cooking industry in Ireland, in conjunction with Age Action.
Following the success of the campaign over the past two years, Minister McEntee TD is lending her support for the first time to highlight the important issue of excess winter deaths and inform those at greatest risk how they can keep safe and warm this winter.
Helen McEntee TD, Minister of State: “The OFTEC and Age Action Ireland ‘Keep Warm this Winter’ campaign is a reminder to us all of the importance of ensuring that our older friends and family stay warm during the cold winter months ahead.
"I urge people to check in on older or vulnerable neighbours who may be living alone, to ensure that they are staying safe and well during the cold weather. Congratulations to all of those involved in this important campaign which offers practical advice to those who need it."

Keeping warm
David Blevings, Ireland Manager of OFTEC, said: “The important issue of supporting older people in winter across Ireland is always a firm focus for OFTEC and we are delighted to launch the campaign with Age Action again and with Minister of State Helen McEntee TD in 2016.
"With approximately 600,000 homes in Ireland using heating oil as their primary heating source, we encourage everyone to pick of the guide, consider your elderly relatives and neighbours, and provide older people with as much information as possible to help them save money and keep warm this winter.
"Oil is one of the cheapest forms of home heating at present but that does not mean it should be used inefficiently. A service by an OFTEC registered technician will ensure your elderly relatives’ boiler will run safely, efficiently and cost-effectively over the winter period."
Justin Moran, Head of Advocacy and Communications with Age Action said: “Many of the most vulnerable older people rely on oil heating to keep warm.
"But with high numbers of older households struggling to afford the fuel they need, it’s essential that people know what they can do to keep their fuel bills low and stay warm over the winter months.
"We are delighted to support this initiative for a third year and to work with OFTEC to continue to promote health and wellbeing for older people across Ireland.”
David Blevings added: “There are also grants available under the Better Energy Homes Scheme from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) for those with older, inefficient oil boilers and the details are contained within the guide and our registered technicians can help older people to take advantage of the grants while they are still available to reduce energy costs and improve energy efficiency.”