Age Action, Ireland’s leading advocacy organisation for older people, has responded to the publication today of the independent review group investigation into Áras Attracta.
Justin Moran, Head of Advocacy and Communications with Age Action, said: “The RTÉ investigation into Áras Attracta shocked the nation almost two years ago.
“We welcome the recommendations published today that propose a move to a rights-based model of service delivery that supports the independence of residents.
“The call for a much greater emphasis on listening to the wishes of residents, ensuring they know their rights and have access to advocacy services is also especially welcome.
“If anything positive can come out of what happened it is that the HSE will ensure the scenes we saw on Prime Time are never repeated, that care homes and facilities will have the staff, the training and the resources they need to ensure that residents are safe, that they are treated compassionately and they get the quality of care they and their families expect.”