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Open Letter from our CEO about the recent charity scandals

Published 12/07/2016


Eamon Timmins, Age Action's Chief Executive Officer, has written to our members, supporters and volunteers in recent days about the recent scandals in the Irish charity sector. Here is Eamon's letter.

Eamon Timmins, CEO, Age Action

Dear supporter,  

I am writing to you amid the current controversy over governance issues at a number of Irish charities. There is a danger that all charities, including Age Action, could be hurt by the fall-out.

Age Action greatly values the trust that you – our members, volunteers, supporters and the general public  place in us. We are always conscious of our responsibility, our duty, to repay that trust.

We are committed to running Age Action in a manner that is transparent, that is ethical and that does not simply meet standards of good governance, but surpasses them.

Our 2015 annual report was published last month, following approval by members at our AGM.  It contains our audited accounts. These show where every cent of our funding came from, how we spent it, and the impact of our work.  The annual report is available here.

Our internal accounts are regularly reviewed and scrutinised by the Finance and Audit Committee of our Board, and examined by the full Board every quarter.  Our annual accounts are independently audited by Mazars, one of Ireland’s leading financial services companies, before being presented to our members for approval.

Age Action’s Board members are all volunteers and receive no payment for being directors. Our staff and volunteers are Garda vetted. There is no bonus scheme, there are no company cars and there are no special pension arrangements.  

The current controversy surrounding other charities is deeply frustrating.   However, we need to take the opportunity to highlight the checks and controls which exist within Age Action and to reassure you of our commitment to run a well-managed, transparent, charity.

Once again, we cherish the trust which you place in us.  Without your trust, without your continued support, we could not work to help older people, and all of us who hope to grow older in Ireland.

If you have any queries or concerns about Age Action’s work please do not hesitate to contact me by emailing or by letter.

Thank you for your continuing trust and support.

Yours sincerely,

Eamon Timmins

Chief Executive

Age Action Ireland
30/31 Lower Camden Street
Dublin 2
D02 EC96