Age Action is urging all older people to ensure they have a working carbon monoxide alarm fitted in their home, in the wake of a serious incident in Cork at the weekend.

“Carbon monoxide alarms can, and do, save lives,” Age Action spokesperson Eamon Timmins said. He was commenting in the wake of an incident on Saturday morning when two sisters (aged 92 and 84) were found unconscious in their home, in a case of suspected carbon monoxide poisoning. The alarm was raised by a neighbour who called to their home as part of a regular visit.
“Thankfully both ladies were found in time,” Mr Timmins said. “But the incident must act as a wake up call to everyone who use coal, gas or oil to heat their homes. We would urge people to ensure their central heating systems are serviced regularly and that their carbon monoxide alarms are working.”
Age Action’s Care and Repair programme volunteers can help older people fit carbon monoxide alarms in their homes. The programme is provided by Age Action in Dublin, Cork, Galway and by its community partners in 33 other locations across Ireland. For more details contact 01-4756989.
Age Action paid tribute to the alert neighbour for her response, adding that the incident highlighted the key role which good neighbours can play.